It is funny how cancer and having your body completely man handled by medical treatment can change ones thoughts. I have always been a bit of a perfectionist. Life is "supposed" to be this way and that way. I have believed that I was supposed to be something and whatever that something is, I am supposed to do it perfectly.
Turns out, there is no perfect way to deal with cancer or go through cancer treatment; heck there is no perfect way to deal with life. We all have our battles, maybe it isn't cancer, but there is no perfection in any of it.
Life is about the imperfections.
Life is about finding joy in the mundane.
Life is about finding joy in the mundane.
Life is about seeing hope in the hopeless.
Life is about finding happiness in the sadness.
Life is about seeing light in the darkness.
Life is about finding happiness in the sadness.
Life is about seeing light in the darkness.
I wish everyone could fully understand life and embrace the imperfection that makes life beautiful and worth living. I know I am learning how to live a little more each day as I enjoy the limited minutes I have in this life. I am learning life is not supposed to be any way. I don't know if anyone is like me and sets standards on what life is "supposed" to be like, but I am hear today to say STOP! Enjoy those imperfections, they are what makes your life unique and yours. Trust me, my life has been far from perfect, but it took me getting cancer to realize those imperfections made me who I am and I wouldn't want to be anyone else. Cancer is an imperfection that in a weird way had been a perfect life lesson for me. Do I want cancer, NO, but am I grateful for the lessons it has taught me, you bet!
Cancer has taught me how to feel the warmth of the sun on a rainy day. It has taught me to see the world as a good and loving place. All this time before cancer I thought the world was dangerous and imperfect; turns out was just imperfect and I was choosing to see the danger. There is no danger in imperfection unless we believe it is dangerous. All our perspectives are based in our thoughts and if we have too many thoughts on how things are "supposed" to be and the "dangers" of this world, then we never get to enjoy life and the beauty of the imperfection it brings.
Hope you have a beautifully imperfect day!