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9-12-14 Stem Cell Transplant Day |
Life has gotten busy since I have gotten healthier, not sure if that is a blessing or curse, so I haven't written in a while but....today is a day of celebration. Today is my re-birthday!!! A year ago today I was in the hospital, much like a baby, bald and scared. My body was weak from the chemo; I had a crazy stomach infection , I was terribly jaundice, and I suffered a pulmonary embolism which caused me more pain than child birth! However, my spirit was strong and helped me get through the physically misery. I knew that these were the things I needed to endure to get my health back. Was it fun? No. Would I do it again? Yes.
For those of you who have had a stem cell transplant, you know what a big deal today is. For those you who have not, well let me tell you, it is a HUGE deal! Today is like my body is turning 1 again. The stem cell transplant completely destroys the immune system, causing the body to be in an infancy like immune state. The stem cells allowed my body to be completely re-booted. Think of the stem cell transplant process like a computer. I had a virus (cancer) and the doctors gave me REALLY strong chemo (called fatal chemo) to destroy the virus, but they did't want to lose everything on the computer (my body) so they had to give me stem cells to keep everything functioning and lose any data. Statistics show that once a person successfully makes it one year, defined by lack of health issues and blood counts returning to stable levels, after a stem cell transplant, their chances of illness related to transplant is almost obsolete. The first year after transplant makes you the most vulnerable and susceptible to death because you do not have a strong or healthy immune system.
I am so grateful for advancements in science because I am walking proof of science working. I thank God everyday he has provided me the things, the people, the resources I needed in this world to get well. Not a day goes by that I do not think about how lucky I am to be alive. I had an appointment with my oncologist a few weeks ago and he confirmed, what I already felt, which is that I have no evidence of cancer and that I am doing well. He said based on my lab work and physical assessment, I appear to be like an average 30 year old. If one didn't know I had had a stroke, brain surgery, cancer, chemo, etc there wouldn't be proof in my body except for the bald spot on my head and the port scar on my chest. One line my oncologist said that I will never forget is "Cassie, you are perfect." I was not going to argue that since I know it, but it was nice getting a professional to agree :).
Cancer has had a role in the lives of me and my family, but it is not the lead character of our lives. On this re-birthday I celebrate health, not just for me, but my brother in law who was in the hospital at the same time as me last year fighting cancer himself. Our lives are forever changed, but our lives are not defined by cancer. Here is to hoping my health remains "normal" and that I get to celebrate many, many more re birthdays in the future.