Friday, August 1, 2014

Learning to Love Life Again

Life is not perfect and that is okay.  It is the details of our lives that make us human and special.

I am back in the hospital for chemo.  I am doing well, or as well as one can do while getting chemo and stuck in the hospital. I find joy in talking with my nurses.  Those that know me know I am very talkative person, but being in the hospital the other patients seem to keep to themselves and I have no one to talk to.  Sure I have Brandon here with me most of the time which I am so blessed, however it is fun for me to talk to others with cancer about their experiences.  I tend to be the youngest person in the hospital every time I am inpatient and that is getting old.    The hospital does help me feel physically better, but mentally it is very isolating.

I am so eager to get well and keep myself out of the hospital.  I want to share my experience with cancer with the world.  I believe that there is so much to cancer that is ignored.  I think that when we go to the doctor and learn we have cancer the focus is on the biological or physical changes we will go through.  Don't get me wrong, I think we need to be prepared with all the facts, but I think the facts that the mental changes we will go through should be addressed as well.  We are human and it is my belief that we are made up of mind, body, and soul.  Since we are made up of three parts, it saddens me that we primarily focus on the body.  I think cancer care should focus on all three.  I read a statistic that some 80% of people diagnosed with cancer experience depression.  I am sure that there are various levels of depression but the fact is depression is out there.  Our bodies are thrust into a change with cancer and by default so do our minds and souls.  I believe cancer patients need more access to emotional support through their cancer experience.  I have found so much more joy in my life since I have been working with a psychiatrist and social worker.  I have always thought I am strong woman and I can take on the world.  Cancer has burst that bubble wide open for me.  I have learned I do have limits and that I don't need to take on the world because I live in my own perfect world, it just took me getting cancer to realize how awesome my world is.   Everyday I can choose be focus on the bad in my life or the good.  I have realized that the more good I focus on the better I feel.  What a blessing is that!  I am learning to love life again.  However I do not believe all cancer patients are taught the simple fact that we are how we feel.  I believe there needs to be more focus on the changes that occur in the WHOLE body and that includes the mind.

Any of you agree that there needs to be changes in the way cancer and mental health issues are addressed?


  1. Not only a yes, but a hell yeah! I have already been dealing with chronic depression most of my life. Having cancer has changed AND challenged me mentally and emotionally much more the the physical changes. And the physical (hopefully) will heal and go back to normal. The mental changes are permanent, including the chemo brain. Unfortunately I am now on medicare due to being disabled BECAUSE of the cancer, and medicare pays a pittance for mental health. There are about 20 therapists that take what medicare pays, but they always say "I am full on medicare patients" whenever I call, which has been often throughout the last couple of years. And therapists won't bill you, so I can't go and let the rediculous costs join the hundreds of thousands of medical bills I already have in collections. So still doing it alone here, but a lot of cancer patients are in my same boat. When we get better we should start fund raising to bring awareness to the mental challenges faced by cancer patients. People don't know, even a lot of people that have family members that have been touched by cancer, because so many people are ashamed to talk about it. Are you allowed visitors? I have the rest of this week in chemo, but when I recover I would love to come visit. Usually takes me about 2-3 weeks though, will you be in transplant then? If you don't feel like visitors, be honest. I won't take it personally. Been there, done that. I get it....I really do ;)

  2. I would LOVE to start fundraising and bringing awareness to mental health and cancer! I think it is a major need. It is a shame that people are be stigmatized by a label of "mental health disorder". People get the flu and people know the flu is a health problem. Why should mental health be different from other health problems? I believe depression should just be called depression like the flu is just called the flu. Both the flu and depression are disorders of health, why does it matter what part of the body the health issue is in? I mean look at cancer, cancer is called cancer no matter if it is in your toe or your brain.

    Sorry I could rant about all this is wrong with how people surviving with diseases of depression, schizophrenia, anxiety, etc. are not treated fairly all day! Now that I see all these same diseases in people with cancer, I get more fired up! :)

    I would love to get together as soon as I am well! I will probably be going through transplant when you are feeling better. The doctors are looking to start conditioning chemo on the 25th and about 7-8 days after that will be my transplant. I will have to stay in Seattle for 6-8 weeks post transplant for monitoring.
